Glendive United Methodist Church
Church Notes:
The March newsletter is posted on the above button - Newsletter Download.
The Link for on-line giving to the Glendive United Methodist Church:
Church Activities: All of the activities are noted in the Newsletter.
Noisy Buckets - will be on the Second Sunday of each month.
Our Sunday Services are at 11:00am.
We welcome our new Pastor Logan Henderson.
Our services continue to be on our church Facebook address.
Church Location
Church Address: 206 West Towne St.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 200
Glendive, MT 59330
Phone #: 406-377-5678
Church E-mail:
Office Hours in Glendive:
The schedule varies; as needed
Call our office and leave at message.

One of our Stain
Glass Windows!
Our church in 1917